West Wicklow Adult Religious Education Centre

"Ashes to Fire" is the official blog for the 4 Adult Religious Education night course in Blessington Parish Centre.

The course began on Ash Wednesday - 17th of February


For further information,contact the Parish Office, Blessington, Co. Wicklow

Each Wednesday from 8.30pm - 9.45pm a topic is presented and discussions guided by a professional facilitator/educator.

The aim is to help you develop your understanding of the Christian faith. A Certificate of Completion will be awarded to those who complete the four night course.

We hope you will join us for the course or on any night you are available. There is a nominal charge of €5 for each session or €18 for the 4 nights. Cuppa tea/coffee on arrival. It is necessary to book your place in advance.
Journey with us in Hope this Lent from the Ashes of Lent to the Fire of the Easter Vigil.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Eileen O'Brien leads Week II of the Course

EILEEN began by welcoming everyone to the second evening of our Lenten Programme ‘‘From Ashes to Fire’. She set the theme of this evening namely Baptism- the Church is Our Church’ Eileen explained briefly what the evening would be about namely - that through our baptism we become members of the Church. She explained that at present when we think of Church we think mainly in terms of the Institutional Model of Church but that in fact there are many ways of looking at Church apart from the Institutional. Eileen said we would be exploring Avery Dulles 5 models of Church and that we were invited to say which model we felt was most needed in our Church at the present time.

Opening Prayer- Jesus’ Baptism

Large candle, symbolising the candle we received at our own baptism. Symbolises faith and the light of Christ…
Imagine your own baptism. You were carried by parents, godparents, family, relatives, friends, neighbours. The parish were involved. It was a big occasion.

You were brought into the group, the parish, the community of the Church…of those who followed Jesus…who stood for good, for life.

Together we will listen to an account from St Mark of Jesus’ Baptism…

In your mind imagine Jesus’ baptism…going down into the water…seeing the Spirit…hearing the voice of his Father… ‘ You are my son, the beloved, my favour rests on you… going up … from now on taking his stand with the people…against evil against whatever dragged people down…he was for whatever lifted people…for God…for goodness.

Allow the Father to say to you “You are my beloved son…daughter… my favour rests on you”.

Remember how through your baptism and confirmation you were inserted into the world how you have taken your stand with Jesus and the Christian Community for God, good…lifting people against evil, sin or whatever drags people down.

A sheet with 5 Models of Church and scripture quotations was then distributed.

Each of the participants was given a sheet with a drawing depicting each of the models of Church i.e. Church as the People of God, Church as Institution, Church as Mystical Communion, Church as Loving Servant and Church as Herald of the Gospel. We were asked to say what we noticed about each of the drawings. We then looked at the scripture quotations.

“Go teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
• “You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church.”
• “Whatever you do to the least of my brothers or sisters, which you do to me.”
• “I do not call you servants any longer; I call you friends.”
• “Now, you together are the body of Christ, each of you a different part of it.”

We were asked to work in pairs to match up the model of Church with the correct Scripture quotation. We needed to decide which of the 5 models they personally prefer? Also which of the 5 models we thought is most needed in the Church at the present time?

It was interesting to hear what others thought about this. We reflected for a while on these 5 models of church.

We were then invited to choose one word or two which best describes for us the way in which we are called to participate in the life of our Church

A Word for Church Living

Which word best describes for you the way in which we are called to participate in the life of our Church?

• Service • Ministry • Solidarity • Friendship • Companionship • Prayer • Mission • Discipleship • Worship • Prophecy • Evangelisation

Again, it was interesting to note the different words chosen e.g. prayer, service and ministry.

In the final part of the evening, we considered a thought-provoking and sometimes controversial poem by Carlo Carretto, the author of Letters from the Desert. Here it is paraphrased by Ronald Rohlheiser.
I Sought and I Found

How much I must criticise you, my Church and yet how much I love you!
You have made me suffer more than anyone and yet I owe more to you than anyone.
I should like to see you destroyed and yet I need your presence.
You have given me such scandal and yet you alone have made me understand holiness.
No, I cannot be free of you, for I am one with you, even if not completely you.
Then too, where would I go?
To build another church?
But I could not build one without the same defects, for they are my defects. And again, if I were to build another church, it would be my church, not Christ’s church.
No, I am old enough. I know better!

We concluded the evening with the ‘ Soul of Christ’
Jesus, may all that is you flow into me.
May your body and blood be my food and drink.
May your passion and death be my strength and life.
Jesus, with you by my side enough has been given.
May the shelter I seek be the shadow of your cross

Let me not run from the love that you offer,
But hold me safe from the forces of evil.
On each of my dyings shed your light an your love.
Keep calling to me until that day comes,
When, with your saints, I may praise you forever. Amen.

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